Image Capture Queue (ICQ)
Failure Reason | Corrective Action |
Error: Could not locate unique purchase order: XXXXXX for this vendor account. Processing halted. | Turn on the Create PO flag and click Re-Transmit. |
Error: Information present for Credit Memo #XXXXXX | This is a duplicate credit. Check the invoice list screen and/or receiving screen for an invoice/credit using this same invoice number for the same supplier. If this is a duplicate, use Flag Ignore in the ICQ. If it's not a duplicate, edit the invoice number and retransmit. |
Unable to locate record for location: XXXXX | Location number is not a valid location number. Select another Location. |
Vendor not found for this Account Number XXXXX | Select a Valid Vendor. |
Account Number is a required field | Select a valid supplier, which has a vendor assignment, and click Re-Transmit. |
Invoice Number is a required field | Enter a valid invoice number and click Re-Transmit. |
PO Number is a required field | Enter a valid PO number or click the Create PO and click Re- Transmit. |
Sales Tax Rate or Tax required for item: XXXXX | If an item has a tax flag set to Yes in the items section, then there must be an applicable tax amount in the tax field in invoice information. |
Ship-To Account Number or Location Number required | Select correct property in the location field and click Re-Transmit. |
Cannot process external order without ship to account number | Select correct property in the location dropdown control and click Re-Transmit. |
Could not locate default distribution location for supplier account | Vendor corporate record does not have a default location assigned. Possibly need to assign in SAS? Or look to see if default warehouse is set in corporate preferences? --RNT assists with this. |
Could not locate purchase order: XXXXX | Turn on the Create PO flag and click Re-Transmit. |
Description exceeds 50 characters | Shorten Description field in the Item List and click Re-Transmit |
Imported invoice values do not match invoice total and exceed supplier tolerance level | The sum of the line items plus freight, handling and tax must equal the invoice total. Review these fields to determine where the miscalculation is and edit. *Most instances of this are due to the line item subtotal and the invoice total being the SAME, yet there is an amount in the tax field, which causes this to not foot. |
Invoice Date not valid: XXXXX | Enter a valid Invoice Date and click Re-Transmit. |
Invoice must contain items with quantity greater than 0 and/or freight or be a credit memo | There must be at least one line item in the items section. Click the green plus icon to add a line item. Make sure to enter an item number, description, quantity, and price. Ensure line items plus tax, freight, and handling foot to the invoice total. Click Re- Transmit. |
Item number: XXXXX is a duplicate item number | Assign a unique item # to the duplicate item, otherwise items with the same item # will be rolled in to one item on the receiving screen. |
Order not found: PO#: XXXXX; Ship to account #: YYYYY | Could not locate order with the given PO number. Turn on the Create PO flag and click Re-Transmit. |
Ship to account number is blank | Select correct property in the location field and click Re-Transmit |
Referencing purchase order will be created for credit memo | No action required. |
Warning: Invoice write error: Shipped invoice already exists for invoice # XXXXX. Order not introduced. | This is a duplicate invoice. Check the invoice list screen and/or receiving screen for an invoice using this same invoice number for the same supplier. If this is a duplicate, flag as ignore in the ICQ. If it's not a duplicate, edit the invoice number and retransmit. |
Warning: Shipped invoice already exists for invoice # XXXXX | This is a duplicate invoice. Check the invoice list screen and/or receiving screen for an invoice using this same invoice number for the same supplier. If this is a duplicate, flag as ignore in the ICQ. If it's not a duplicate, edit the invoice number and retransmit. |
Warning: Shipping information present for invoice # XXXXX | This is a duplicate invoice. Check the invoice list screen and/or receiving screen for an invoice using this same invoice number for the same supplier. If this is a duplicate, flag as ignore in the ICQ. If it's not a duplicate, edit the invoice number and retransmit. |
EPRO Message: Initial validation successful. Could not locate purchase order: XXXXXX. A new purchase order will be created. | Turn on the Create PO and click Re-Transmit. |