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M3 Invoice Troubleshooting Guide

The information in this article will help users address invoice failures that occur when the system attempts to transmit invoices to an M3 Accounting system. Keep in mind the corrections needed will differ based on your use of the EPRO AP module.

Corrective Actions

To begin the corrective actions, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account and select View > Accounting > Invoices.

  2. Find the Invoice Ack # column and type in “fail” under the column, as shown below. This will filter the list to show invoices that have failed to transmit to M3.

In some cases, M3 may report back a transmission failure, although the invoice successfully transmits and could be marked “Paid”. As an extra precaution, you can further filter by typing “due” into the Payment Status column filter.

  1. Scroll over the comment bubble icon in the first column to see the error(s), as shown below.

  2. Use the table below to determine the required action to correct the issue and have it successfully transmitted to your M3 system.

You can also export this screen to see the error messages. Use the Export button on the button toolbar at the top of the list.

The following table describes the invoice failures that exist for invoices sent from the M3 Accounting system. Corrective action will be determine by whether or not the customer is using the EPRO AP Module.

M3 Acknowledgement Message


Corrective Actions by Customer (Using AP Module)

Corrective Actions by Customer (Not using AP Module)

Invoice already exists

Invoice failed the duplicate check in M3.

Reject for "other"; property flags ignore in ICQ.


Invalid GL account number

Invoice contains a GL account # not assigned to the property in M3.

Reject for incorrect GL coding; property fixes GL coding in Receiving Screen.

No corrective actions for current invoice in EPRO system; utilize EPRO GL visibility functionality  to turn on/off specific GL codes per property in EPRO system.

*Option exists to purge the invoice from both M3 and EPRO and have the property completely re-enter the record, or manually enter the record in M3.

Failed schema validation



*Option exists to purge the invoice from both M3 and EPRO and have the property completely re-enter the record, or manually enter the record in M3.

Failed to read

This can be for various errors:  invalid accounting period; invalid character in description node; others which are unknown.

AP to determine the cause for the invoice failing to insert; reject for the appropriate reason; property corrects issue.

No corrective actions for current invoice in EPRO system.

*Option exists to purge the invoice from both M3 and EPRO and have the property completely re-enter the record, or manually enter the record in M3.

Failed to insert

This can be for various errors:  invalid accounting period; invalid character in description node; others which are unknown.

AP to determine the cause for the invoice failing to insert; reject for the appropriate reason; property corrects issue.

No corrective actions for current invoice in EPRO system.

*Option exists to purge the invoice from both M3 and EPRO and have the property completely re-enter the record, or manually enter the record in M3.

Zero or more than one vendor records found

Vendor name/ID mis-match between ReactorNet and M3; vendor not assigned to the property in M3. 
*Special Note* Ampersands in the vendor name will cause this error to populate.  Ampersands are illegal characters in the EPRO/M3 integration.

AP to add vendor to property in M3 OR send vendor detail to EPRO team to ensure EPRO system is updated; retransmit invoice.

No corrective actions for current invoice in EPRO system.  Review vendor set-up in M3 and EPRO system to ensure both systems are set up correctly for future transactions.  Make any necessary adjustments to the vendor record in M3/EPRO for future needs.

*Option exists to purge the invoice from both M3 and EPRO and have the property completely re-enter the record, or manually enter the record in M3.

Successful import

Invoice imported successfully into M3.



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