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Recipe Management

Another tool in the toolbox

Included in our next release will be the first version of EPRO Recipe Management. You can now organize and track recipes used throughout your restaurants, snack bars, and catering, all in the same system you are using to do your purchasing and payables.

Taking Food Costing to a New Level

Using EPRO Inventory, you already have visibility into your inventory food cost. Now with EPRO Recipe Management, you'll be able to take it to another level with full visibility into recipe and menu costing. This will allow members to manage purchasing based on current inventory levels as well as recipe and menu selection - ultimately lowering food cost and driving profitability.

The Future is bright

As implied above, we are taking a phased development approach in introducing Recipe Management to our customers. When all is said and done, you’ll have all of the features of a comprehensive Recipe Management system you would come to expect ‒ from point-of-sale integration and reporting to nutritional data and event scheduling, plus much, much more.

We know you'll find this new module simple to use and a must have for managing your food cost. Contact us today for information on implementing within your organization.

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