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EPRO 20240512

Version - EPRO 20240512

Release Date - 05/12/2024

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KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3455SystemNoAdded feature that allows region, corp, and admin users to modify receiving entries even when the SAS Receiving-Allow Modifications flag is set to no
EPRO-3450IntegrationNoAdded ProducePro integration logic to support a shipto map
EPRO-3432AccountingNoAdded auto-escalate feature to payables, the auto-escalate feature will now notify the next approver with enough limit to approve the payable if it exceeds the desired approval limit for the first-tier approver
EPRO-3425SystemNoAdded location number and name data in the Bulk Invoice Query output file for unsuccessful records allowing users to easily identify and track unsuccessful records by location, improving data management and transparency within the system
EPRO-3423ReportingNoAdded Data 1 and Data 2 fields from the approved items screen in the transaction data download report
EPRO-3421SystemNoAdded updated ICQ failure messaging to be more user-friendly and easily understandable for end-users, the new messaging will provide clearer instructions on how to self-identify ICQ failures and how to resolve them
EPRO-3412InventoryNoAdded improved functionality of count sheet sort index to ensure unique values are enforced while disabling end-user access to count sheet sort index field for clarity

Corrected issue with sheet to shelf toggling behavior, ensuring correct sorting is displayed and accounted for during the toggling process
EPRO-3404Capital ProjectsNoAdded location flex fields as optional fields to the capital request grid, this enhancement will allow users to search and filter by Management Company, improving the overall user experience
EPRO-3391ReportingNoAdded customization options for Location Movement Report
EPRO-3360AccountingNoAdded adjustments to default EDI processing logic to retain credit memo line item quantities and prices as negative values instead of converting them to absolute values, this ensures that the total amount populates correctly for EDIs containing both negative and positive amounts
EPRO-3356Accounting, ReportingNoAdded new EPRO AP Statistics report in the accounting system, this report is designed to provide AP data and will only be accessible to buyers who are designated as AP users
EPRO-3340SystemNoAdded logic to hide tiles on the dashboard for users that do not apply to them, users will no longer see tiles that are not relevant to their roles and responsibilities. This change applies to all system users at all levels. Quick Links access has been eliminated as a result of this update, but menu options remain available in the main menu for easy access.
EPRO-3272SystemNoAdded update to create a new vendor with a different currency if Currency Flag is different for an existing vendor with the same name
EPRO-3237SystemNoAdded support for non-required fields for supplier advanced uploads
EPRO-112Purchasing, SystemAdded VA/rebate visibility to various sections, an order summary window now includes Estimated Rebate, the main grid has been reformatted for better organization, the Compare Window now offers grid-like comparisons, and side navigation features a My Favorites filter and Supplier filter




KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3478InventoryNoFixed an issue where a server error was being generated when attempting to drill into details on the Inventory View by Item screen for a specific item
EPRO-3449ReportingNoFixed a processing error on Order Guide Location reports
EPRO-3447InventoryNoFixed an issue with the query causing the reset preferences error on inventory screen
EPRO-3417PurchasingNoAdded logic to the order guide list screen to prompt users with a rescue cart to either continue checking out with the rescue cart or cancel and purge the cart, preventing potential issues with comingled carts during punchout sessions
EPRO-3371ReportingNoFixed issue with exporting from the Approved Items list Screen
EPRO-3362SystemNoFixed issue with vendor assignment switching after retransmitting invoice from ICQ, Admin/Corp users can now toggle the Create PO switch for vendor locations with ICQ-Require PO Number flag set to Y, previously selected vendor will now remain selected when a user accesses the record again
EPRO-3354ReportingNoFixed issue with missing items in Order Report by correcting the Confirmation Number field
EPRO-3329Inventory, ReportingNoFixed issue where duplicate items were appearing in the Stock On Hand - CSV report
EPRO-3323ReportingNoFixed the processing error issue when running the Spend Analysis report



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