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EPRO 20240626

Version - EPRO 20240512

Release Date - 06/26/2024

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KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3622Inventory, ReportingNoNew report that provides a summary of waste totals by product category
EPRO-3602ReportingNoUpdated the report only to show budgets that the user has access to, ensuring a more accurate and secure reporting experience


SystemNoAdded code to distinguish between vendors by account number to prevent the vendor name from switching upon retransmission, ensuring accurate vendor selection
EPRO-3550ReportingNoUpdated the Aging PO report to exclude data from deleted Buyer Locations so that any items from these locations will no longer appear on the report
EPRO-3537SystemNoThe size of FlexField1 in the database has been updated to VarChar(50) and the corresponding textbox on the ICQ web form has been increased in size to match this change
EPRO-3532ReportingNoThe AP Import Failures report provides a customizable way to track invoices with failed import status, allowing users to easily identify and troubleshoot transmission issues
EPRO-3495ReportingNoA user report has been created to provide a comprehensive view of user information, including the User's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Access Level, Title, Security Role, Assigned Locations, and Last Log-In Date
EPRO-3475ReportingNoAdded a new feature to the System Reports > Accounting Reports > Pending Receiving Event report that allows you to exclude records from locations that have been discontinued
EPRO-3462ReportingNoAdded a new report accessible under System > Inventory > Inventory Suggested Order and includes the following fields: Item name, current inventory count, PAR level, and suggested order quantity
EPRO-3385PurchasingNoAdded the ability to set tax rates at the item level, the system will now estimate tax based on the tax rate set for that specific item and buyer location


KeyComponentsUser ImpactRelease Note
EPRO-3616SystemNoUsers should no longer encounter an error page when approving contract items
EPRO-3614InventoryNoRemoved the overlay implementation that was causing the issue with the gray screen on the inventorypage
EPRO-3606SystemNoResolve the problem with the ICQ Export feature
EPRO-3596AccountingNoInvoices will now be accurately calculated and transmitted to GP without errors
EPRO-3595PurchasingNoCorrected an error that resulted from attempting to bring the cart back from punchout to EPRO
EPRO-3592ReportingNoA server-side bug was identified and fixed, allowing users to open the reports designer without issue
EPRO-3588PurchasingNoThe issue has been resolved to be able to successfully search for records in the "Procurement History" table
EPRO-3575Capital ProjectsNoCorrected the issue so that the "Management Company" column is now available in the grid view
EPRO-3323ReportingNoFixed the processing error issue when running the Spend Analysis report

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