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Order Information

PO Status

Orders change status as they go through the PO life cycle, from placing the order through payment. Below is a list of different values for the PO Status field and their meaning.

PO Status Value



PO pending approval; not yet sent to vendor

Submitted to Vendor

PO sent to vendor; contact vendor directly for fulfillment updates


PO has been invoiced and is being shipped to its final destination


PO has been reconciled and routed to AP (if applicable)


PO has been disputed during reconciliation; partner with the vendor for resolution


PO has been cancelled


The supplier has issued a credit for the PO

PO Origin

In addition to the PO Status, there is a PO Origin field describing how orders originated in the system. Some orders are placed by a user while other orders are created ad hoc when an unmatched electronic invoice is received. Additionally, orders are placed using different methods, such as Order Guide, Requisition Form, and Punchout. Below is chart explaining different possible values for PO Origin.

PO Origin Value



The PO was created through the EPRO free-form requisition form.

Order Guide

The PO was created through an EPRO managed order guide.


The PO was created through the vendor's punchout site.


The PO was created through the EPRO catalog.

Service Request

The PO was created through the EPRO service request module.


The PO was created automatically through the vendor's EDI invoicing process (no originating PO was found to match the invoice to).


The PO was created through the supplier's branded EPRO portal or through the supplier’s flat file invoicing process with EPRO.

Invoice Entry

The PO was created automatically through the EPRO free-form invoice entry process, when the invoice entry was submitted.

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