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Supplier Account Settings

The Supplier Account Settings screen is used on the Buyer-side to specify settings for a Supplier. The settings range from general settings to receiving to invoicing settings. These settings are essentially a set of business rules that determine workflow and behavior for a Buyer. Some settings are overrides at the Supplier level of global default settings found in Corporate Preferences.

The Supplier Account Configuration Report will generate a complete list of all settings for all Suppliers associated with your account. The Supplier profile contents are listed below.

  • General Information

  • Receiving Preferences

  • Invoicing and Invoicing Tolerance Preferences

  • Other Preferences

  • Output Format - Select the type of format you would like to run report. MS Excel (No formatting) preferred.

General Information

  • Account Number - This is your organization’s account number for the supplier. This helps to identify the correct supplier when information is transmitted.

  • Reference Number - Additional information field that identifies the Supplier.

  • Default GL Account Number - Allows user to designate a default GL account number for all new items for a given supplier via a data interface file.

  • Organization's Vendor Name - Preferred name used by buyer which is displayed in other areas of the system.

  • Default Rebate Type - Used to set the default Rebate Type for all new items for a given supplier via a data interface file

  • Default Rebate Amount - Used to set the default Rebate Amount for all new items for a given supplier via a data interface file. Used in conjunction with the Default Rebate Type. For example, if the Default Rebate Type was set to Percentage, the Default Rebate Amount might be set to 1, representing 1 percent.

  • Region/Location Pricing Display - Setting which allows to show/hide pricing for the supplier. Note: Hiding pricing may interfere with a payable integration if records are transmitted at the GL summary level.

  • Preferred Supplier - This is a description field used to designate the supplier as being a Preferred Supplier. This field can be used in reports to determine how much spend is attributed to a preferred supplier.

  • Inventory Item Supplier - When enabled, defaults any new items added to this supplier's catalog as inventoried items.

  • Default Items to Taxable - When enabled, new items added to the supplier's catalog will be flagged as taxable.

  • Invoice Entry Lite Enabled - Invoice Entry Lite mode minimizes required elements on Invoice Entry line items. Typically used when only GL level detail is required on hand-keyed invoices. Otherwise, Invoice Entry lines require all required elements of a standard order line item.

Receiving Preferences

  • Send Receiving Reminder - Option to send the person who placed an order a reminder that they are required to login and confirm that they received the order.

    • Receiving Grace Period - Option to specify how long after an order has been placed, would you like to start sending the reminder notifications.

    • Reminder Expires After - Option to specify when the reminder emails expire.

    • Reminder Frequency - Option to specify how often the reminder notification will be sent.

  • Copy Region on Reminder - Region Manager can be copied on Purchase Order receipts so that they can monitor the progress.

    • On and After - Reminders will NOT be sent to the region leader until the number entered. The region leader will be copied on and after the number entered.

    • Additional Recipients - Enter any email addresses you want to receive a copy of a Receiving Reminder. Use a semi colon and no spaces to separate email addresses.

  • Require GL Coding - When set to 'Yes', GL coding will be required on orders.

    • Allow GL Coding by Location - Allows Location-level users to GL code an order.

  • Require Item Number Coding - When set to 'Yes', a Buyer Item Number will be required to receive an order.

    • Inventory Items Only - When set to 'Yes, along with the Item Number Coding requirement, items flagged as Inventory Items will be the only items required to have an Item Number during receiving.

    • Allow Item Coding by Location - Allows Location-level users to enter Item Number coding.

  • Allow Receiving Modifications - Determines if the manager can make adjustments to receiving entries once they have been entered. If this is set to ‘No,’ then a Region or Corporate manager will have to make changes to the receiving once it has been done.

  • Auto Receiving Hours - Enter the number of hours from the time an order is eligible to be received to the time it is automatically received.

  • Unreceived Purchase Order Count Restriction - Setting locks the Manager out of the Order Guides for this Supplier until after he has done his receiving. Option to set a specific count for orders un-received.

  • Unreceived Purchase Order Day Restriction - Option to prohibit a User from placing an order to a specific Supplier if there is already an Order that is X number of days old and has not been received.

  • Receiving Instructions - You can add notes to the Managers receiving screen through these receiving instructions.

  • Shipped vs. Received Discrepancy E-mail - Setting sends notification to user who placed the order and also to the supplier regarding the Shipped vs. Received discrepancy.

  • Shipped vs. Received Discrepancy E-mail Address - Email address to be notified when there is a discrepancy between shipped and received quantities.

  • Allow Invoice Matching - Use invoice matching to match an invoice to an existing order. This is typically activated when a vendor is not able to send a PO number with the invoice data.

  • Enable Product Star Rating - When set to ‘Yes’, this setting enables the ability to rate each item in a Receiving Entry.

  • Auto Reconcile Credits - When set to 'Yes', the setting will force a credit transaction to be immediately marked as Received; otherwise, the original PO will be displayed on the Receiving List screen such that the associated credit will need to be received against.

  • Default Receiving Quantity to Blank - When set to 'Yes', received quantities on the Receiving form default to blanks; otherwise, the received quantities will default to shipped quantities or ordered quantities (if shipping or invoice data has not yet been provided).

  • Zero Shipped Lines Read Only - When set to 'Yes', items that were not shipped are in read-only mode thereby not allowing a User to enter a received quantity.

  • Receiving Sort Options - When set to 'Ordered Sequence', the order of items on the Receiving form will default to the original PO sequence; otherwise, went set to 'Supplier Item Number', the order of items will default to alpha-numeric order using the item number. This latter usually aligns with the order of items on a paper invoice a Buyer may receive from a Supplier, thus streamlining the receiving process.

  • Require Image - When set to 'Yes', the User will be required to attach an image to the Receiving entry.

  • Allow Use Tax Indication - When set to 'Yes', a Use Tax checkbox column is displayed on the Receiving form only for orders that are in Shipped status.

Invoicing Preferences

  • Auto Invoice - Option to have the system generate an invoice and forward to the appropriate location.

  • Auto Generate POS Download - Activates the Point of Sale interface download. This is used to replenish inventory levels in an inventory control system based on the receiving entry.

  • Update Order Price with Invoice Price - If this is set to ‘Yes’ the Order will be updated with the Invoice Price.

  • Update Tax Info with Invoice Tax Info - Setting allows for the invoice tax to override any other tax quantity previously set.

  • Update Agreement Price with Invoice Price - When set to ‘Yes’ the Invoice will Auto-Update the Agreement price, concerning this Supplier.

  • Receipt Required for Invoicing - Indicates that before an Invoice is generated, the Manager is required to confirm receipt for that Purchase Order.

  • Shipping Required for Invoicing - Indicates that before an Invoice is generated, the Supplier must confirm shipment for that Purchase Order.

  • Shipping Required to Receive - Setting requires that a Supplier must confirm shipment for that purchase order before the location can perform the receiving function.

    • Exception for POS Downloads - Override that allows the PO to be received before there’s Shipping information present.

  • Invoice Priority Quantity - Option to determine whether an Invoice is based off of shipped or received quantities.

  • Require Region Approval - Indicates that before an invoice can be transmitted to the Buyer, a Region manager must approve it.

  • Require Accounting Approval - Indicates that before an Invoice can be transmitted to the Buyer from the system an Accounting Manager must approve it.

  • Require Corporate Approval - Indicates that before an Invoice can be transmitted to the Buyer from the system a Corporate Manager must approve it.

  • Auto Approve Invoice within Tolerance - Option to determine if the Invoice will go into Pending Approval Status or transmit normally. Either option will notify the appropriate party that the Invoice was outside of its tolerance.

  • Allow Ad Hoc Credits - When set to 'Yes', credits that are received with no matching original PO are allowed. An ad hoc PO is then created to accommodate the ad hoc Credit.

  • Auto Hold Credits - Setting that allows all credits sent from the Supplier to be held.

  • Shipped vs. Received Qty. Tolerance Check - Compares the quantity received to the quantity shipped.

  • Display Collection Information on Invoice - This will show the collection information at the top of the invoice.

  • Display General Ledger Summary on Invoice - Setting that displays a general ledger dollar summary at the bottom of the invoice document.

  • Image Capture - Check for Item Number in Description - When using Scan & Capture, this setting will determine whether the system should look for an Item Number in the Item Description field that was captured. This Item Number is then used to match to an existing item on the original order or in the system if creating an order ad hoc. Using this feature could minimize the number of duplicate items that are created ad hoc.

  • Image Capture - Allow Item Number Wildcard Matching up to X Characters - Used to set the number of sequential characters to make a match. For example, if a number 6879 is found in the description field and an unmatched line on the original PO has an Item Number of X96789, a match would occur if there was a tolerance of 2 characters or more. If this setting is set to 0, only exact matches are found.

  • Image Capture - Footing Tolerance Amount - Used to set the dollar threshold when matching an invoice total to the footing calculated amount. If the threshold is not met, the invoice must be corrected in the Image Capture Queue before it can be retransmitted and put back into the normal receiving workflow.

  • Pending Invoice Notification - This setting is used to turn on Pending Invoice notifications meant to notify a Buyer of invoices that need to be approved.

    • Activated - When set to 'Yes', notification will be sent.

    • Notice Time - When activated above, this setting sets the time that notifications should be sent.

    • Recipients - When activated above, this sets the recipients of the Pending Invoice notification. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon.


Auto Invoice notification information is configured under the Corporate Preferences page.

Adding a new user is a three step process. You must first create a user, assign user to a department, then email login information. When adding a user, the following information is required to complete this process: First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, Authorization level and User Name.  A default password is established upon the initial login of each user.

  • Invoice Item $ Tolerance - Default setting for all products from a particular Supplier. The item tolerance override is at the product level, this can be maintained from your approved product list. (See section on maintaining approved product list).

  • Invoice Total $ Tolerance - Tolerance can be based on a dollar amount or percent.

  • Invoice Item Percent Tolerance - Option to review Invoice amounts against the contract price. When an Invoice amount is outside of the allowed tolerance it will go into Pending Approval Status. A Corporate or Accounting level User must review the Invoice and adjust, if necessary.

  • Invoice Total Percent Tolerance - This is where you set the tolerance type for the total invoice amount. Your Tolerance type can be $ or %.

Other Preferences

Adding a new user is a three step process. You must first create a user, assign user to a department, then email login information. When adding a user, the following information is required to complete this process: First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, Authorization level and User Name.  A default password is established upon the initial login of each user.

  • Region/Location User Product Catalog Content - Determines if a User can purchase products from a specific Supplier through the Product, also decides if the User can only purchase Corporate Approved products from this Supplier.

  • Allow New Items on Requisition - When set to ‘Yes’ allows new/non-existing items to be added for a specific supplier when placing an order through the Requisition Form.

  • Inventory Item Supplier - When set to ‘Yes’, sets up any new items as Inventory Items for this Supplier.

  • Enable Inventory Tools - Allows a User to upload an interface file containing inventory levels that will generate a Purchase Order based off the Par levels kept in the system.

  • Managers View Pricing Default - Option to display price for items from a specific Supplier.

  • Managers Edit Dedicated Order Guides - Setting to allow a User to add/remove products from their attached Order Guide.

  • Restrict Multiple Receiving Entries - Restricts a User from entering more than one receiving entry per Purchase Order.

  • Allow Back Orders - Permits the Supplier to ship Back Orders.

  • Credit Card / P-Card Mandatory - Requires User to enter credit information when purchasing from a certain Supplier.

  • $ Order Minimum - This setting defines the minimum order dollar amount for an order to the Supplier. By default, order minimums are soft fails, meaning the User is warned about the Order Minimum but can still proceed to place the order; otherwise:

    • Hard Fail Minimum Order - When set to 'Yes', the system will warn the User that the Order Minimum has not been met and will not allow the User to continue with placing the order.

  • Quantity Order Minimum - Requires User to order minimum number of items from Supplier.

  • Auto Approve Agreement Updates - Allows the Supplier to maintain pricing on the system, pricing updates would not require Corporate approval.

  • Administer Order Guides - When set to 'Yes', this setting enables the Supplier to administer an Order Guide where they are the designated supplier. The Supplier then gains access to the Order Guides via screens on the Supplier-side where they can add, remove, or edit items on the Order Guide.

  • PO Number Entry Mandatory - Option to require a User to enter a Purchase Order number when placing an order.

  • Invoice Number Entry Required for Vendor - When set to 'Yes', an invoice number must be entered on the Invoice Entry screen.

  • Notification Location of Order Acknowledgment - When set to 'Yes', a notification will be sent to Location-level users acknowledging receipt of an order.

  • Notify Location of Shipment - Notification of shipment is emailed to user who places the order, if order is place by Auto-Vendor notification is emailed to the General Manager for that location.

  • Service Request Terms and Conditions - This setting is used for Terms & Conditions that will be inserted into the Order Notification of a Service Request.

  • Require W9 for Service Requests - Require the Vendor’s IRS W9 form. This is used for reporting and tracking.

  • Require Liability Insurance for Service Requests - Require the Vendor’s Certificate of Liability insurance. This is used for reporting and tracking.

  • Items Taxable Default - When set to 'Yes', new items added to the system for the Supplier will by default be taxable; otherwise, they will not be set to Taxable.


The Allow New Items on Requisition setting will override the Allow External Products/Services setting located in the Corporate Preferences section which applies to all suppliers by default.

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