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EPRO Analytics

EPRO Analytics is the new robust reporting tool for managing, manipulating, and presenting your data through the EPROprocurement platform.

There are a variety of system report types available to choose from - Accounting Reports, Admin Reports, Compliance Reports, General Setup Reports, Inventory Reports, and Purchase Order Reports. Custom Reports can also be created and will be accessible under the Company Reports option or the My Reports option.

Built into EPRO Analytics is a web-based designer that will allow you to save off system reports and modify them to meet your needs.

Finally, all reports can be scheduled using the EPRO Analytics Scheduling tool. Scheduled Reports will run automatically at the scheduled time and email you the resulting report, or be delivered to an FTP site. If you are interested in having an EPRO Analytics report scheduled for delivery to an FTP site, contact for further assistance.

Accessing & Working with EPRO Analytics

  1. After logging in, locate and click the EPRO Analytics button on the top navigation bar. A new browser tab will open rending EPRO Analytics within it.

  2. To exit EPRO Analytics, you can close the browser tab or click the Close EPRO Analytics button also in the navigation bar.

  3. To access the Reports Queue, click on the Reports Queue button in the top navigation bar. This will take you to a historical list of reports you have run that are either completed or still processing. It is from this screen that you can also see your list of scheduled reports.


As of our latest release, large reports should be handled differently depending on how long the query takes to process. A large report should first be run as PDF through the in-browser viewer. If the report takes more than three minutes to begin to render, an error displays that the report can’t be generated. In this instance, you should send the report to the queue. However, if a query takes less than three minutes to complete, a large report is best handled through the in-browser viewer (PDF) as this process breaks a report out page by page rather than building a single file in memory, thus allowing the user to page thru a report that might be several thousand pages long. This functionality does not extend to CVS or XLSX export files at this time, so large reports sent to the queue still build a single file in memory before generating an output file. This means that queued reports can get a ‘system out of memory’ error when they become too large. When an error like this is encountered, use the parameter options to filter the result set by reducing the number of days, locations, suppliers, or other options in order to reduce the size of the result set you’re requesting.


Tips to reduce the size of a report when needed:

  • Reduce the resulting dataset size by filtering the data you’re requesting down to a smaller date range or limiting the request on other available parameter options.

  • If you need a longer date range, restrict the report to a single location or supplier.

  • If you need multiple or all locations and/or suppliers, restrict the date range to a few months or even weeks.

  • If selecting all locations, reduce the number of suppliers or select a single supplier, and vice versa.

  • Choose a CSV-style report as they have the lease formatting and send to the queue.

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